In emergencies, Medicare uses The Flying Doctors


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Teleradiology is the transmission of patient’s radiological images, such as Digital X-Rays CT and MRI Scans from one location to another for the purposes of interpretation and/or consultation via internet.

Teleradiology is a growth technology given that imaging procedures are growing approximately 15% annually against an increase of only 2% in the Radiologist population.

Teleradiology improves patient care by allowing Radiologists to provide services without actually having to be at the location of the patient. This is particularly important when a super-specialist such as a MRI Radiologist, Neuroradiologist, Pediatric Radiologist, or Musculoskeletal Radiologist is needed. since these professionals are generally located in large metropolitan areas only and working during day time hours. Teleradiology allows for trained specialists to be available 24/7.

Medicare Investigations (P) Ltd, Vadodara, India is such kind of radiology hub where highly experienced and senior teleradiologists, with more than 20 yrs experience are available 24/7 days for prompt, efficient and world class reporting of images sent from all around the world.

Teleradiology utilizes standard network technologies such as the Broadband Internet, Telephone, WAN, or over a LAN. Specialized software is used to transmit the images and enable the Radiologist to effectively analyze what can be hundreds of images for a given study. Technologies such as advanced graphics processing, voice recognition, and image compression are often used in Teleradiology. Through Teleradiology, images can be sent to another part of the hospital, or to other locations around the world.


Medicare teleradiologists can provide a Preliminary Read for emergency room cases of any modality including X-ray, CT scan, MRI and other emergent cases or a Final Read for the official patient record.

Preliminary Reports include all pertinent findings and a phone call for any critical findings.For Medicare Teleradiology services, the turnaround time is extremely rapid, with around 30 minute in case of dire emergency and reports expedited for critical and stroke studies.

Teleradiology Preliminary or Final Reports can be provided for all doctors and hospitals overflow studies. Teleradiology can be available for intermittent coverage as an extension of practices and will provide patients with the highest quality care.

Teleradiology Final Reports shall be provided for emergent and non-emergent studies on priority basis. Final reports include all findings and require access to prior studies and all relevant patient information for a complete diagnosis. Phone calls with any critical findings are signs of quality services. We at Medicare assure you to deliver the final reports immediately and in any case within 6 hours time anywhere on this Globe.


Some teleradiologists are fellowship trained and have a wide variety of super-specialty expertise including such difficult-to-find areas as Neuroradiology, Pediatric Neuroradiology, Musculo-skeletal MRI, Mammography, Ultrasound, Doppler images, CR system and Digital X-rays etc.

Contact us:

For joining us on same high-tech Academic platform and to avail services for Teleradiology for your esteemed Hospital or diagnostic center, please contact us at: or

Or write us at:

Dr C P Gaur, MB, DMRD
Chief Radiologist, MD and CEO
Medicare Diagnostic Centre,
Medicare Investigations and Services (P) Ltd
GF-2/ 39, Sampatrao Colony, Alkapuri,
Phone: +91 265 2336162, +91 265 2326162