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Dental condition is considered to be a primary factor in your overall health. At SANITAS we consider good oral hygiene and dental care essential to the maintenance of your whole body and its well being.

SANITAS offers a fully equipped dental service, whom provide the following services, and much more:
- Oral health assessments
- Scaling and polishing
- Fillings and crowns
- Extractions
- Cosmetic dental work
- and more

We currently have full dental services in SANITAS Medical Centre in Mikocheni, open 9 - 5pm. Also in SANITAS dispensary in The Quality Centre on Pugu road, open 8am to 4pm.
Please contact us if you have any queries or would like to book an appointment.
T: +255 222 70 14 10 M: 0688 863 035 E: E:

Dentistry at SANITAS